Pearls: A history of passion

Love finds expression in the poetry of a pearl.

The living gem was once believed to have come from Aphrodite, the mythical goddess of romance who was born from the sea. Pearls have since played a role in many of history’s great romances: from Antony and Cleopatra, to Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.

Love, however, doesn’t always unfold with the grandest of gestures, but is found in the little things: in familiar comforts, in pets welcoming us back home. Often, we find tenderness in the loyal company of furry creatures, in someone who gives joy by just being there.

Jewelmer’s Petits Coeur collection is an ode to every story of love, in every form and encounter. Precious golden South Sea pearls are linked to hearts made with lustrous diamonds and gold—telling of love, warm and lasting.

Pearls have long conveyed that love is a tender gift to share and cherish, that warmth and comfort linger in familiar corners, or, as we’ve seen throughout history, that great romances are yet to come.
